SUNSET- Reflexion Berlin - Bridge Part 3:3, panoramic Serie- acrylic painting on canvas -35 x 70 cm - 12.2021 , Laetitia Hildebrand

Painting “SUNSET- Reflection Berlin”

1200 euro

Nr. 4/4 of the series “Reflection Panoramic”, bridges & 4 seasons – acrylic painting on canvas (35 x 70 cm), Laetitia Hildebrand, 01.2022

SUNSET: Now the sun sets towards the west, before the night. It’s the beginning of winter, some yellow and bare trees with contrasting colors.

REFLECTION / REFLEXION : The Spree remains calm. In the the beginning of the pandemic (Covid), we were facing a challenge: isolation. The communication was limited. Places were emptied of their inhabitants and landscapes remained motionless, as if dreamlike. Our reflections had become almost realities. So in my series “Bridge / Reflection”, I invite you to discover the thoughts of the city, through the reflection in the water of the Spree. A meditative journey in Berlin where time stops. A bridge between two worlds. REALITY or DREAM? Surrealism.

Inspiration: urbansketch from the shore path near the road “Straße der Erinnerung” on 25/11/2021 – “Moabiter Brücke” (“Bärenbrücke”), Spree (Berlin-Hansaviertel) – ©Laetitia Hildebrand