14.11.2020- Heiz-Kraft-Werk, Beelitz-Heilstätten (Brandenburg)

© Laetitia hildebrand
I drew in ständig position, a beautiful house of an old fabric
with the colors of the sunset.
It was cool to discover this interessant architecture with the colors of autumn


It was cool to discover this interessant architecture with the colors of autumn

: This area was a cogeneration plant (“Heiz-Kraft-Werk”) in “Beelitz Heilstätten”, built in the beginning of the 20th century.
This lost place Was vor 5 years privatized and a part is in renovation. Since the 2nd of November the sanatorium is closed…
Totally absurd when the visit it’s outside! But we founded some nice historic buildings in renovation

This lost place Was vor 5 years privatized and a part is in renovation. Since the 2nd of November the sanatorium is closed…
Totally absurd when the visit it’s outside! But we founded some nice historic buildings in renovation

